Legal Information
No purchase necessary sweepstakes
All Star Fundraiser sweepstakes are “no purchase necessary”. If someone wants a free ticket, they can come to your organization and request one.
General operation of sweepstakes
All Star Fundraiser is a for-profit corporation. We manage the back-office elements of sweepstakes, such as ticket generation, score entry, rules drafting, and other administrative elements on behalf of participating organizations. All proceeds received by organizations relating to the sweepstakes are collected by the organizations themselves, who are solely responsible for all tax and charity reporting.
- The Sweepstakes is a collection of a series of ongoing events. All Star Fundraiser is responsible for creation of the program, tickets, and sweepstakes rules. Organizations are responsible for advertising and promoting the sweepstakes, collection and administration of all funds, and any and all tax reporting.
- Generation of Tickets: Prior to the start of each sweepstakes, All Star Fundraiser, using a random number generator, creates randomly generated combinations of teams (we call these the “combinations”). See the official rules for details of how each ticket is created. Using a second random generator, each ticket is assigned the combinations. The assignments are then randomly distributed on the tickets.
- Participation by organizations: Organizations who wish to participate in a sweepstakes must enter into an agreement with All Star Fundraiser prior to the start of the sweepstakes period. The agreement allows All Star Fundraiser to manage the sweepstakes for each organization.
- Cost of participation by organizations: Organizations purchase a program license that gains them access to manage their sweepstake.
- Offering Tickets: To raise money with All Star Fundraiser, organizations collect donations in exchange for tickets. On each ticket is 17 unique team combinations; this gives the recipient a chance to win prize money. Entrants who prefer to enter the sweepstakes without making a donation will receive a ticket. All Star Fundraiser does not offer tickets directly to consumers. The organization offering the All Star Fundraiser tickets through the solicitation process of their choosing (door-to-door, charity events, telephone solicitation, other) and according to the organization solicitation laws of a particular state.
- Ticket Architecture: Each ticket provides multiple chances to win. See the rules for details about the number of chances to win, odds of winning, and prize money amounts, and drawing dates. A single ticket is all that is necessary to enter each of the drawings during the sweepstakes period. Entrants who receive a ticket after the sweepstakes period may not be eligible for all drawings.
- Generation of Winners: Each ticket contains one randomly generated combination per contest. At the end of any given contest, All Star Fundraiser tallies up the points scored for each team, regardless of whether the team has won. If the total number of points for the combination is among the highest or lowest combinations for that contest, then the entrant wins a prize. See the official rules for sweepstake details regarding which tickets win prize. Entrants may check with the organization from which they purchased a ticket to determine winning status or they may check their ticket on the All Star Fundraiser website.